Saturday, October 20, 2007

Did you notice the Dates?

Yeah. So did you know that you can open a blog, lose it, search and search for it, and then find it on accident when you start a new one? Yes, that's what happened to me, and now I have tons and tons of catch-up to play! And the worst part is that the most helpful things that I could have chronicled for new spouses coming to the island mostly happen during the first semester!!!

Recently I was asked about whether or not I regret our decision to come to the island. I'm not sure why, but I've spent a lot of time reflecting on that. I answered that I absolutely do not regret it, but truthfully what do I have to compare it to? I don't know what it would be like at any of the other Caribbean medical schools that we could have attended. I also realize that I really won't know how I feel about our adventure until it's over. In the mean time, I plan on enjoying every bit of island life that I can. We've had a couple of slow days lately... we've had a mysterious illness that has manifested itself as a cold, a fever, general crankiness, and fatigue... a different symptom for every member of the family! Having children home all day from school in the confines of a small apartment when you're not feeling well works out for some s-l-o-w days.

We recently had a visit from one of the few creatures of the island that I had hoped we would never meet - a 10 inch long poisonous centipede! I was groping through the toy box (read 'big suitcase') in the dark to get sand toys for going to the beach the next day. I thought I had flipped a necklace out of the toys, and that it was sliding to the floor, but then it kept moving and I realized it had legs!!! Lots and lots of legs!!! I still can't believe I didn't scream, but I went and woke up my husband and had him kill it. Now here is the kicker... if you try to kill these wicked creatures and don't succeed on your first try they charge you! By the second strike the centipede was dead, but all we could do was sit and stare at it for a half an hour to make sure it was really, truly dead. Then we had a hard time falling asleep. So freaky!
(We had another little friend visit a several weeks later that I got a picture of. The one in the sink is one third the size of the one I blogged about.)

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