So, where to go to see something new on the island with an adventurous friend? How about a short, perilous hike down a steep embankment to a rocky beach, followed by a stroll to a tall waterfall that falls onto the beach and into the ocean, depending on the tide. This was by far my favorite site on Dominica, though it is difficult to find a guide for, and is only suitable for the physically fit adrenaline junkies. Truth be told, I thought it was just fine, but would rather over-emphasize the peril to prevent people from trying to hang from the rope who truly do not have the strength, coordination, or courage to attempt it.
While my friend was in town we made sure to hit some of our regular favorites in addition to that awesome hike. She enjoyed her trip so much, she wants to return with her husband, who happened to find this link to a great diver's report on his adventures on Dominica...
We enjoyed seeing the traditional and modern Sensay costumes of Carnival, (like this guy in a suit made of aluminum cans) but opted
to watch the jump-up from home. Jump-up is when everyone pours into the streets wearing p.j.s, lingerie, costumes, whatever at an insane hour like maybe 4 am (and a lot of them have been up 'till 4 am getting sloshed) and then they jump up and down the street to incredibly loud music, courtesy of a truck heavily loaded down with a cacophony of speakers and live bands.
I definitely would recommend a stop at "Nice-to-be-nice" for tourists, a produce stand where you can try all sorts of local fruits for free, donations welcome.
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